My name is Sebastien Decuyper, sometimes called "Glaas" on social media. I am a programmer / game designer living in Berlin, Germany, currently working at Wolpertinger Games on a bullet-heaven roguelike called "Survivor Mercs".
I specialize in game programming with a focus on tool development, mostly in Unity, and sometimes Unreal Engine.
When not tinkering with code,
Awards and acknowledgements
I made for Ludum Dare 47 ranked in the top 30%!
I sometimes volunteer and attend Gamesweekberlin
Devcom, and I always hang out at A MAZE./BERLIN!
This desktop pet I made
over 13 000+ downloads 😯
Things I do!
Have I mentioned I'm also a blacksmith? 🔨🔥
I try to complete the Advent of code
year since 2020!
I am extremely curious about other programming languages as well, so despite C#
being my main one, I wrote some apps in Rust, C++ and Javascript! So far, Nannou has been my favourite framework for
creative coding.
I love game jams! I entered ~30 of them so far, my favourite one probably being
Ludum Dare. You can check out my entries!
Check out this dedicated page to
see more!